SamRNA, the future of RNA medicines
Our goal is to facilitate and support the research and development of self-amplifying mRNA (samRNA) technologies. SamRNA is a designed RNA/mRNA platform, of which the core RNA/mRNA sequence is flanked with at least one RNA-dependent-RNA-polymerase (RdRP)-binding site in its 5’-end and 3’-end, respectively. The RdRP-binding sites can be recognized by viral replicase/RdRP enzymes, so as to activate RdRP-mediated cycling amplification of the designed samRNA in vitro, ex vivo as well as in vivo. By LNP-mediated delivery of both samRNA and RdRP mRNA into targeted cells, samRNA can be used as a safer and more effective RNA/mRNA medicine and/or vaccine to reduce administration dose, prevent potential side effects, and increase desired drug effects in the treated cells.
Our research team has identified and further modified the coronaviral RdRP-binding sites, of which the related patents have been filed for not only securing world-wide IP protection but also supporting the new development of modern non-replicon-based samRNA technologies (the third generation self-amplifying RNA platforms). Two major samRNA technologies have been well established; one is Replicase/RdRP Cycling Reaction (RCR) and the other is samRNA medicine/vaccine.
* RCR is a novel in-vitro samRNA amplification technology optimized for industrial grade production of RNA/mRNA-based medicines as well as vaccines. Using recombinant viral replicase/RdRP enzymes, samRNA can be directly amplified from itself as a template without any hassle of DNA contamination. For preferential strand amplification in RCR, the desired sense (+) or antisense (-) strand samRNAs can be selectively amplified by using different combinations of strong and weak RdRP-binding sites in the designed samRNA construct. Most importantly, the amplified samRNA products are all in full-length conformation because both of its 5’- and 3’-end RdRP-binding sites must be intact in order to maintain the RCR activity, resulting in no or very limited RNA/mRNA degradation.
* SamRNA is the most advanced and advantageous RNA/mRNA medicine platform in the world. By changing the middle core RNA/mRNA sequence between the 5’- and 3’-end RdRP-binding sites of samRNA, we can easily design and manufacture a variety of RNA/mRNA medicines and/or vaccines useful for developing all kinds of treatments against many human diseases, such as viral infections, cancers, diabetes, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Alzheimer’s disease, and many more.